Scott's Tip Of The Day: The second amendment established the right to bear arms. Why? To keep the British out of our houses! Has it worked? Hell yeah! I haven't had any problems with Limeys breaking into my house in as long as I can remember. Even though the United States has been at peace with England for quite some time, the right to bear arms still exists. Do I have a problem with this? Eh. No, not really. Do I have a problem with the new state laws springing up which allow people to bring loaded guns into bars? Yes!
Have you ever been to college? I think everyone knows a guy who got so drunk he couldn't see straight and either....
a)hooked up with the ugliest girl/guy you have ever seen
b)passed out in his own hurl
c)started a fight with a stranger for no reason
d)all of the above.
Yeah, sure. Some people grow out of it. But others don't. And yeah a lot of the people who bring loaded guns to bars never even went to college. But maybe that makes it even worse? Do we really want to put loaded guns into these people's hands? Fights will get out of control pretty quickly. One moment you will be arguing with a stranger over who was the boss on Who's The Boss? (Mona or Angela?), and the next minute you'll be lying on the ground of a bar with a bullet hole in your leg. If you live in a state that allows loaded guns in bars then either bring a Kevlar vest or refrain from arguing over Who's The Boss. It's not worth it!
Morning Scott.. I wrote something a little bit similar to what you are saying here. The comments are more directly to what you're message is saying here.
It is a very scary world out there.
I wrote a comment here and then it disappeared. So if it posts twice I apologize. I wrote something similar to what you are saying here. There's people out there who are walking time bombs with a gun. It scares me what drugs and/or alcohol mixed with a loaded weapon result in.
Heading back to the Old West times - Only Men with LOTS of hair on their chest will be going to bars... ;) I like the right to bear arms - we do, but agree in a BAR is questionable - however, if they allow it, I want to be with the guy who has one.
But what about self-defense for the regulars? Then you can shot a rapist dead.
You have no idea how many arguments about Who's The Boss have ended in a bullet hole in the leg! Too many to count! But that's what we like to call a "Saturday Night" here in Moscow, Idaho
I'm an American living in Canada. As far as I can see the United States is going crazy, and not just with guns. The politics is real ugly.
I have mixed feelings on this one due mainly in part to the gun control nuts out there who are trying to strip us of our 2nd amendment rights faster than Dan Quayle's exit in a spelling bee.
I would like to think that the gun in the bar is kind of our hole card for now. Let them fight over that one instead of the one that lets us have them in our homes.
Kind of like writing a check on Thursday and knowing you'll have the money on Friday. Did they find a new way to open beer bottles with a Colt 45 that I don't know about? Probably not the best idea but like I said it's food for the wolves.
How many of us as (hopefully thinking) adults have READ the original founding documents? The right to bear arms was granted because there was no standing army, hence the need for "Minute Men." I figure the gun laws can be tightened to allow hunting and (in hopefully rare dire personal circumstances) personal defense outside the confines of personal property, and still respect the original sentiment. Since when have we had a standing army, anyway? I forgot to look it up. Too many trigger happy folks out there to let them ruin it for reasonable use. Hmmm, "human reason," aye, there's the rub....
I now live in the South, where attitudes towards arming oneself are vastly different than the hippie environment I grew up in.
I'm all about protecting the Constitution but bring a loaded weapon into a bar is just stupid.
@ Kristen Even in the old west people weren't allowed to bring Guns into Bars or Saloons. Whatever they were called then. I'm in Canada so I don't know if this is gonna happen here but I don't think guns should be allowed in bars. protecting your house and family is great, but neither of those are at a bar.
As an advocate of the Second Amendment, I am "in the middle" on this one. Okay, now if we are not allowed to bring loaded guns into bars, that will not stop a criminal from bringing a loaded gun into a bar... I guess that would make us all dead ducks eh?
Another thing, if anyone has a history of becoming violent while drunk then maybe this person should not have a gun permit.
Great post!
Re: Who was the boss on Who's the Boss-definately Mona. She was a scary bitch and I would never ever contradict her for any reason EVER.
Also a fun fact for you-I lived in Flagstaff Az for a year and they had an establishment where you could purchase shotguns and/or a handle of Jack Daniels at their very convenient drive-thru! Drinks and weapons without ever getting out of your truck-good stuff!
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