Scott's Tip Of The Day: One common complaint with take home pregnancy tests is that it is difficult to read the indicator. "Am I pregnant or Not? What does this blue splotch mean?" The truth of the matter is if you can't read a simple pregnancy test, you are definitely unfit to be a parent. The best course of action is going to Dr. Shadystein and getting an abortion. Afterwards, getting your tubes tied is probably a good idea too. Just in case, you should also probably never have sex again.
Just letting you know you have become a villain in the Baby Center World. Have you ever been pregnant and tried to read the results after POAS? Get back to me when you have.
Mate, that is exactly what I've been telling my friends! I'm a woman by the way...
This blog or whatever just pissed me off. How dare you say women are unfit parents because they cant read a test? I dont think that is right especially considering the fact that there are alot of young mothers out there, that doesnt mean that because they cant read a pregnancy test that they dont deserve to be parents. That they should abortions. Thats not fair and its not right. They should be allowed to do whatever its their personal choic. I personally just dont agree that having an abortion is the way out. And its wrong to tell people to have one and that they dont deserve to be parents or that they shouldnt have sex again. Put yourself in their shoes and think would you want to give your baby up just because you cant read a simple test??? You can tell you've never been pregnant. Thats another life your talking about. Thats wrong. Signed a mad mother
tests arent hard to read nyways, they tell u, ur either pregnant or not pregnant, its all in the timing, test to early, its neg either way, wait a good month to 5 weeks, thats wen its accurate and its hard to give up the baby n woman r smarter than guys, y do u think we get all the sex we want?!
I realize this is an older post, I wasn't a fan at the time (not because I didn't like you, I just didn't know your blog existed) but I took a link to this post from one of your more recent ones. I've gotta say you can't be more right! If she can't read the instructions that tells you what the (+) means or the (-) means she's pretty much useless. These are the kind of women who give infants water instead of formula in baby bottles "she/he looked thirsty..." yes, I'm an infant specialist there are douche noob women who do this. I want to smack them. I find it especially funny that most infuriated commentary comes from Anonymous...if you're so strong about your convictions post your name. Otherwise shut your pie hole and make sure your old man double bags it before he takes his fishing boat to tuna town.
Just read this from the link on your other blog post! Hilarious! I think it's even better that people took you seriously and freaked out! As a female I look around and see complete idiots raising kids, I feel bad for their children, so yeah if you are too dumb to figure out the test then you really shouldn't be procreating!
I agree!!! I mean seriously the damn test comes with instructions! Some people r just plain dumb and for all those who where offended.....they probably didn't know how to read one!! Lol.
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