Scott's Tip Of The Day: Scientists have been searching for intelligent life on other planets for quite some time. They haven't found it. Scientists, I think your time would be better spent searching for intelligent life on earth. I turn on the TV and all I see are Brett Michaels, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. If there is intelligent life on other planets, then it has probably seen Flavor of Love 2, and it knows to keep its distance.
That's what I was thinking too. If there is intelligent life out there then it's not letting us find them. If we do, then it wasn't very intelligent to begin with...
ha ha!
Excellent tip. May you receive grants in support or furthering your research.
Amen to that.
Paris Hilton isn't that dumb. She's just ... okay, I couldn't even type it with a straight face. She's dumber than a brick. At least Kim Kardashian has that nice caboose going for her.
There is plenty of intelligent life here on Earth, Scott, it's just not human. I know for a fact that cats are geniuses. : )
It HAS kept it's distance I'm sure.
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