Scott's Tip Of The Day: In the photo above you see the Connecticut State Legislature debating budgetary matters. Does anything seem strange to you? Perhaps you are looking at Rep. Barbara Lambert's computer? She is a freshman democrat from Milford. She is playing Spider Solitaire. No? Maybe it was the guy next to her, Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, a Bridgeport Democrat, who is only playing normal Solitaire? I guess he can't handle new improved versions of solitaire. Good thing he doesn't represent MY district!!!
The next time candidates run for election in your town, remember to ask them if they have a short attention span and/or if they can survive long meetings without playing computer games. If they cannot, it's your civic duty to at least make sure they are getting high scores. After all, they represent your district.
See, this is why we say Bridgeport and Milford is so trashy. I'm from CT, so I feel both allowed and obligated to inform you of that fact.
Furthermore, they aren't even faking the funk. Everyone knows if you want to play computer games you sit in the way back where no one can see you. I bet the guy behind him is twittering "Milford and B'port are playing Solitaire, how rude!"
This explains so much...
Maybe it's some kind of contest that only they are in on. If they were younger they'd be networked and playing HALO...
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