Scott's Tip Of The Day: I wrote the following letter to Nancy Pelosi and received no response:
Dear Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,
I am writing to you about your stance on health care. Although I am no doctor, I have been known to play doctor from time to time. I admire your courageousness for pushing full steam ahead with health care reform. But in your Universal Health care plan we are leaving some out.
Who, you ask? Our furry friends, dogs. Dogs are people too. What kind of country would we be if we didn't extend universal health care to our canine friends too? Would our health care be truly universal if we didn't include dogs? I think not.
There is still time. The bill has not been voted on yet. You can make a difference. Please, Mrs. Pelosi. Add this to the bill. But don't do it for me. Do it for Whiskers, Buttons, Senor Fuentes, Spot and Ruff-Ruff.
Thank you.
Unfortunately, I received no response. Nancy Pelosi, you are a heartless wench. You not only broke my heart, but dog lovers hearts, everywhere. I hope you don't get re-elected.
Eighth Congressional District of California..... Listen up.
2010 is right around the corner. You know what that means? Election time! Lets vote Nancy Pelosi out of office. We can elect a different fanatical,egocentric, ultra-liberal in her place. There are a million of them in California. Take that, Nancy! You just got served!
Careful Scott. At this moment she's in her castle screaming "Fly, my little pretties, fly to Scott's house! (high pitched shrieking cackle)"
BTW, I think Sheela is a liar...
I think you might be right about Sheela....
Hi Scott. What is this witche's e mail address. I have a few choice comments I would like to make to he personally but I can catch up with her new $87,000,000 Jet. Why does she need a jet. Is he broom broken.. Oh!!! I know. She has to stop to refuel if she uses he broom.
I agree she needs to be sent packing, Not only her we should start from the very top with obama and then move on dowen from there. I will supply the moving boxes for the personal stuff they have in their offices. They should be sent packing like someone who gets fired and has to walk out of the office with that box of stuff. Hell we can have them march in parade fashion, televise it, and make it a National holiday. We'll call it "Thank God They are All Gone Day" Our beloved Country is in serious trouble because of these BoZos my friend and I don't care who reads this. I would like to speak to all the gravy train riding cronies who have pillaged our Country for personal greed and of course POWER. The American people need to clean house "For REal". The members of our Congress, Senate and other Government offices have destroyed a once proud nation. We nee
A- political people to represent our interest not the rancid mixed bag of personal agendas.
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