Thursday, May 21, 2009

Internal Monologue

Scott's Tip Of The Day: Human's have a wonderful gift. The ability to think. To sort out their problems. To contemplate things and quietly observe. An Internal monologue. No one can hear your internal monologue. (Well, no one except for Miss Cleo.) Everybody has one. But you know when it becomes an issue? When you sit at work, talking to yourself out loud. You have the ability to think quietly, there is no need to share your nonsensical thoughts with everyone. You annoy your colleagues. Other people can hear you, you know! "What?.... What?....Oh you're not talking to me....You are talking to yourself....Great....No, I wasn't doing anything important...just trying to get my work done so I don't have to stay here till 11PM....What?....Oh yeah, it's totally easy to talk on the phone when you are humming to yourself, don't worry about it." How many times a day are you going to distract me with your nonsensical banter? Do you have to hum and sing to yourself too? That isn't even a real song! You just made it up! It's awful! It's out of tune too! Stop talking to yourself! You are pissing everyone off!*

*This blog entry was in no way influenced by the gentleman in the cubicle next to me who incessantly hums and talks to himself all day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My boss talks to herself all day. She says she's gonna do stuff outload, and I've sort of tuned it out, because I don't want to be involved with conversation with her, even though Im the one who spends the majority of time with her. Lucky me.