Scott's Tip Of The Day: If you're trying to make a point, don't be redundant. You'll probably be more persuasive if your argument is short and concise. There's no need to go on and on after you've made your point. There's no reason to be redundant. You shouldn't be redundant. No one wants to hear you drag on, you know? Because that would be redundant. Did I mention it's annoying when people are redundant? I am sick of hearing people talk and talk and talk. I get it! I mean how could anyone not realize they are just repeating the same stupid thing over and over again? They should wake up and stop being so redundant. Oh man! Redundancy annoys me so much. This reminds me of a time one of my friends was just blithering about the same thing for like 2 hours. I was like "I get it already, stop it, you're being redundant!" Why did he have to talk about the same thing for so long? It was so redundant. I hated it....the redundancy I mean.......... What was I talking about, I spaced out? Oh yeah. Redundancy. Don't you hate it when people are redundant.....
je t'aime
yeap yeap.
then it would be just like how my mom nags me.
According to my children, redundant is me!
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