Friday, November 5, 2010

Jesus was HIV Positive

Scott's Tip Of The Day: Jesus was HIV positive. Yeah, yeah. Click on the link. I didn't come up with that. It was South African Pastor Xola Skosana. (Try saying that ten times fast.) Does he base this on the evidence that was recently unearthed suggesting Jesus participated in ecstasy fueled desert full moon parties with prostitute, Mary Magdalene? Was it his blood transfusion in the early 1980's? His debilitating heroin addiction? Maybe it's because he frequented bath houses in San Francisco and did more than just take a steam?

Well, if you guessed any of those you are wrong....and sick in the head. The answer was "No, none of the above."

Skosana said it to give Africa hope. Well, I've got news for you, Skosana. Jesus died in his early 30's and he was the alleged son of God. If Jesus can't get to 40-years-old with HIV, that doesn't bode well for the rest of the HIV-infected population. Good job, Skosana. Way to give everyone hope.


BB said...

I have to agree with you 100% on this one. How could anyone infected or not find that helpful?

Rebecca said...

yea some hope

Jamie said...


~Marcus K. said...

Whatever gets you through the day, I guess. It can't be easy waiting around 2,000 years for someone to return.

Kara Hoag said...

Here's a thought...
Why don't they actually try teaching AIDs awareness in Africa instead of pretending it doesn't exist.
My sister went over to Ghana to teach AIDs awareness and had a tough time with it because of the set-in-stone viewpoint.

that guy said...

that quote must be taken out of context...or something...

amazing...good laugh..

Michelle said...

Is he insane. Lets say kermit the frog is anorexic, it has the same relevance.

Anonymous said...

This guy's a dolt. How about we stop trying to make Jesus all these things he was not.

Son of God = Yes
Teacher = Yes
Plumber = No
Carpenter = Yes
Husband of Mary Magdalene = No
HIV Positive = No
Resurrected = Yes